Discover our vision at our annual event Beyond by PLD Space. View more
  • PLD Space’s office

    An open and multidisciplinary space

  • large workspace

    Well-equipped workspace to carry out different tasks simultaneously

  • Modern facilities

    Located in the Business Park in Elche


The main headquarters are located in a 2500 m2 warehouse

Our design headquarters and manufacturing and assembly center are located in the Business Park in Elche (Alicante), on the southeast coast of Spain.

The open spaces are perfectly adapted to the assembly of our launchers and design and testing work.

PLD Space Propulsion test facilities

In the heart of the Teruel Airport

With more than 13000 square meters, PLD Space operates the rocket engine test benches, built in 2015.

Our propulsion test facilities have been growing from a single engine test bench to a full test complex, with a hangar, a Test Control Center and a Full Stage Test Bench, where the entire rocket will be tested vertically.

  • Stage test bench

    Teruel Airport

  • Test benches in the PLD facilities

    Teruel Airport


    Test Bench

A 25-year grant of more than 13,000 square meters for industrial facilities.


MIURA 1 Launch site

In El Arenosillo, INTA has the necessary equipment to enable the launch of suborbital rockets, having the technical capabilities to carry out the necessary qualification tests of the rocket components in their own laboratories. The use of these facilities for space purposes dates back to 1966. From then until 1994, over 500 launch missions took place here, the majority belonging to NASA and ESA. These launch systems greatly varied in size, propellant type, and required conditions, meaning El Arenosillo has the experience to handle our vehicle, and your payload.

Financing has been received from Corporación Bética de Expansión Empresarial FCR, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, FEDER, for the realization of the project "Launches of MIURA 1 at INTA and I+D+i developments in Andalusia" with the aim of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.

MIURA 1 launches at INTA and I+D+I development in Andalusia

Promote research, technological development and innovation

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